Study in Belarus. Учеба в Беларуси
15 may 2023
Excursion to the Ethnographic Museum of Mogilev State A.Kuleshov University
12 may 2023
The International scientific and practical conference «Romania: Linguistic and cultural heritage» will be held at BSU
12 may 2023
Lecture by a professor from Pakistan for BSEU students
11 may 2023
BarSU student won a 1st degree diploma in "Best Student-2023"
10 may 2023
Gala evening of the Gomselmash holding and Pavel Sukhoi University
10 may 2023
Foreign students from the Belarusian State Academy of Music took part in the action "Belarus Remembers" and the Procession of Generations in the center of Minsk
10 may 2023
Grandiose choir concert dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the laureate of republican and international competitions and festivals of the Male Choir "All Saints" of the parish of the Church of All Saints in Minsk
5 may 2023
BSU will present 20 innovative developments at the International Specialized Exhibition «Kazakhstan Machinery Fair»
4 may 2023
Sukhoi State University hosts an exhibition dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics and Aviation
4 may 2023