Study in Belarus. Учеба в Беларуси
15 december 2021
The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Belarus Alok Ranjan Jha visited BSU
15 december 2021
Winners of the International Piano Competition “Minsk-2021” announced
8 december 2021
In BSU experts from Belarus and China will discuss innovative strategies of the modern social philosophy
8 december 2021
10th Annniversary Forum of universities of engineering and technology profile of the Union State
8 december 2021
Masterclasses at the Academy of Music
6 december 2021
The Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus I.V. Karpenko met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Zimbabwe to the Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation
2 december 2021
Week of friendly cooperation of Shandong Province and Vitebsk Region
24 november 2021
International week of innovative ideas INNOWEEK.UZ-2021
18 november 2021
VIII meeting of the Working Commission for the coordination of the activities of the scientific and educational consortium between higher educational institutions and research institutes of Belarus and Kazakhstan
18 november 2021