Advantages of Studying in Belarus
A lot of higher education institutions and educational programs

51 higher education institutions (universities, academies, institutes), including 9 private institutions.
15 educational fields ranging from technical and natural sciences to acting.
382 higher education specialties of the first cycle and 331 specialties of the second cycle.
The Fundamentality of University Education

In the Republic of Belarus you can acquire fundamental knowledge in all fields, but the country is mostly known for its strong scientific schools in the field of physics, mathematics and natural science.
The Optimal Ratio of Tuition Fees and Education Quality

Fees for contractual training at Belarusian higher education institutions are very competitive (much cheaper) compared to universities and colleges in the USA, Canada and the UK. The level of training offered at Belarusian universities is equivalent to that of education institutions of West Europe and the USA.
Possibility of Training in English

Currently, there are 29 higher education institutions implementing educational programs in English for 73 specialties.
Easy and Fast Social Adaptation for Foreigners

Belarus is a multinational country, favorably hosting representatives of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. Higher education institutions are proud of their long-term training experience and the environment which is favorable for integration of foreigners. There are supervising programs for newcoming students as well as student communities.
Possibility of Obtaining a Double Degree

Degrees of Belarusian higher education institutions are recognized in several countries of the world. Belarusian universities implement joint programmes with foreign universities and award double degrees.
Opportunities to Go in for Sports

Belarusian universities have their own sports infrastructure and are ready to offer their students excellent opportunities for practicing sports.Higher education institutions have their own sports teams that win prestigious competitions and international Universiades.
Exciting Student Life

Students are always engaged in various extra-curricular activities. They participate in sports competitions, celebrate holidays, and take part in student festivals.
Opportunity to Study Russian and Belarusian

Belarusian higher education institutions offer different programmes for studying Russian and Belarusian: courses, summer schools, distant learning options.
Rich Culture of Belarus

The unique culture of Belarus has been formed over the centuries. The modern cultural life of the country is dynamic and diverse. There are a lot of art exhibitions, music, theater and film festivals in Belarus.
Belarusian Higher Education Institutions in World Rankings

Belarusian higher education institutions enjoy their permanent presence in the international educational rankings.
Possibility of Getting Education Funded at the Expense of the National Budget

In accordance with international treaties of the Republic of Belarus, citizens can enter higher education institutions at the expense of the national budget or on a fee basis:
1.Admission of citizens from the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan:
Along with the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, citizens from the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and the Republic of Tajikistan are given the opportunity to win scholarships to study at Belarusian educational institutions based on the results of entrance exams conducted in the form of centralized testing (these citizens can enter universities on the terms for foreign citizens and stateless persons).
2.Admission of Ukrainian citizens
With a view to implementing sub-paragraph 1.6 of paragraph 1 of the President’s Decree of the Republic of Belarus No. 420 “On Residence of Ukrainian Citizens in the Republic of Belarus” as of August 30, 2014, the higher education institutions of the Republic of Belarus are eligible to admit Ukrainian citizens and stateless persons for receiving first cycle degree, who have been residing in the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine at least for a year, and arrived in the Republic of Belarus to obtain permits for temporary or permanent residence, if submitting documents, securing their residence and education in the above-mentioned territories at the expense of the state budget or on terms of tuition fees provided for the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, running for vacant places, within the period established by the legislation. In addition to the documents, confirming their residence and education in the territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions, these citizens have to submit documents, confirming their intentions of obtaining permits for temporary or permanent residence in Belarus, to the admission boards of higher education institutions.
The higher education institutions allow citizens of Donetsk and Lugansk regions to participate in admission for vacant places, so as to receive education at the expense of the national budget in the framework of additional admission, as well as run for vacant places on terms of tuition fees provided for the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, without submitting a full set of documents required for the applicants.
An interview procedure with citizens of Lugansk and Donetsk regions is established by an admission board of the respective higher education institution.
Beautiful Nature and Safe Environment

The nature of Belarus is unique. There are many rare species of flora and fauna. Major environmental projects are in progress in the republic. Several state natural reserves and wildlife sanctuaries have been organized in Belarus.
Belarus enjoys a high level of security. As of early 2018, the Republic of Belarus is the 15th in the world and the 8th in Europe in the ranking of Security Index.